North Carolina Solid Waste Enforcement 
Officers Association


NCSWEOA wants to help keep environmental enforcement officers up-to-date about enforcement related topics and news. 

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  • November 02, 2023 4:31 PM | Anonymous

    LSU announces the creation of the Litter Institute aimed at solving the "worldwide" issue of litter in on our roadways and in our waterways:

  • July 03, 2023 1:15 PM | Anonymous

    I wish to welcome one of our newest NCSWEOA members Loretta Melancon of Union County.  Mrs. Melancon is a founding member of "Litter Busters" which is an organization dedicated to mitigating litter and promoting social change.  Thank you Loretta for what you contribute! 

  • November 30, 2021 11:09 AM | Anonymous

    Be asbestos aware!  Follow this link for important information about the hazards and proper management of asbestos:

  • December 04, 2020 11:06 AM | Anonymous

    NC Environmental Assistance and Customer Service 2021 CWRAR Grant Reminder

    The Community Waste Reduction & Recycling Grant (CWRAR) is a recurring annual grant program that provides funding to public recycling programs for projects that help communities build lasting capacity to divert materials from the waste stream and/or increase public awareness of recycling.

    CWRAR Grant Proposals are due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 18, 2021.

    Please contact Tara Nattress at 919-707-8123 or or Sandy Skolochenko at 919-707-8147 or if you have any questions.

    Cart Tagging Resources

    On November 5, 2020 the Carolina Recycling Association (CRA) and DEACS presented a webinar on cart tagging and enforcement. This webinar gives you everything need to start a cart tagging program in your community including instruction on establishing municipal codes, technology that can assist with enforcement, cart tagging programs from a private hauler and local government perspective and information on the NC Solid Waste Enforcement Officers Association (NC SWEOA). The link to the webinar recording can be found here:

    DEACS is also available to help you design all aspects of your tagging and enforcement program. Please check out the Tagging 101 handout below and contact us to help you get started.

  • April 21, 2020 1:00 PM | Kim Sue (Administrator)

    Gloria Moseley is an Administrative Assistant and Recycling Coordinator for Edgecombe County Solid Waste Management. During her 13 years of employment with the county she has obtained the Transfer Station Operations Specialist Certification and Landfill Operations Specialist Certification through NC Solid Waste Association of North America. She has applied and was awarded several recycling grants during the years through the NC Department of Environmental Quality.

    Gloria has taken on the role of coordinator for Keep Edgecombe Clean and Green, is an active board member of Keep America Beautiful of Nash and Edgecombe Counties, and is an Executive Committee Member of NCSWEOA.  She volunteers her time with Sound Rivers, KAB of Nash and Edgecombe Co., Keep Ashe Beautiful, Edgecombe County 4-H and NC Adopt-A-Highway Program.

    In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, camping, hiking, and spending time with her 2 children.

  • November 04, 2019 11:39 AM | Susan Heim (Administrator)

    A founding member of NCSWEOA, J. R. Horne was presented with the Life Member Award before his colleagues at the 2019 NCSWEOA Fall Conference in Wrightsville Beach. J. R. served as the Solid Waste Enforcement Officer for Scotland County, and retired from his position in June 2019. Thank you for your service, J.R.!

  • October 04, 2019 11:32 AM | Susan Heim (Administrator)

    2019 was Deputy Mele's first time attending an NCSWEOA conference, and he said he had no idea what to expect. To say that he was surprised when he was called up to receive the Stilwell Award is definitely an understatement! It's safe to say being chosen as NCSWEOA's 2019 Enforcement Officer of the Year was an unexpected pleasure.

    Read more about Officer Mele on the Stilwell Award page.

  • October 03, 2019 10:35 AM | Anonymous

    Minor Barnette was presented the Life Member Award on June 20, 2019 by the Executive Committee, and was recognized before his fellow NCSWEOA members at the 2019 Fall Conference in Wrightsville Beach.

    Minor is currently a member of the Executive Committee, and has also served as President. As the Director of the Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection, Minor serves his community through the administration of various environmental programs including the Triad Region's air quality program.

    Minor is a champion of environmental protection and supports Forsyth County's environmental enforcement program. He frequently uses his knowledge to educate citizens through public speaking engagements and serves as a liaison between his local government and the public. Minor is a member of a number of environmental organizations and attends meetings with his peers in order to remain on top of the latest developments in environmental policy.

    Thank you for your service, Minor!

  • August 23, 2019 10:46 AM | Susan Heim (Administrator)

    Val Chadwick was presented the Life Member Award on August 23, 2019 by the Executive Committee and was recognized for his service at the 2019 NCSWEOA Fall Conference in Wrightsville Beach.

    Val worked as the Environmental Enforcement Officer for Chatham County for more than 15 years, and was a founding member of NCSWEOA who served on the Executive Committee since it's inception.

    Thank You For Your Service, Val!

NCSWEOA is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization. PO Box 134 Terrell, NC 28682-0134

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